life and work of nigel brown
![]() Welcome to the website of Nigel Brown, full time musician, songwriter, performer and open-mic host (at least when he’s not working).
There are links here to various projects Nigel is, or has been involved with, from hosting open mics and solo performances at open mics to collaborations in duos and bands. Some happen frequently, others less so, but they are on-going and each one represents a significant chunk of his musical life. If we take things in more or less chronological order Nigel's musical influences begin with classical, and samba, 'My Mum’s collection from when she lived in Brazil', then the blues, heavy metal and rock ‘n’ roll when he was at university. Then when he started traveling and living in other countries he heard a lot of traditional Greek music, and Irish folk, Scottish folk, reggae, salsa, son, samba, classical Arabic music, soul,
'I mean the real stuff from the 60s', pop of course in many languages, traditional African, traditional English folk, and through all of this were the great singer-songwriters themselves.
So this website is intended partly to publicise Nigel's songs, and to demonstrate his versatility and eagerness to have a go and partly to publicise the musicians he works with, who do great things in their own right. The website also helps to organize all the junk from years of taking photos and making recordings. Keep it live! |
upcomingNB Collective
The Tap Social Taproom (Botley, Oxford) Fri 27th Sept 8.30 p.m. Expect the usual miscellany of danceable Latino, blues, rock and funky grooves with shades of country. The NB Collective at the Cape of Good Hope, 2nd Aug 2024 ft left to right: Rob, Dan, Miranda, Dan and Nigel. Thanks to Jaci Clark King for the photo.
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